miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía

 ¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía 

En este articulo encontrarás magníficos enlaces relacionados con el modo de vida vegetariano, e información muy valiosa para documentarse.




¿Economía o antieconomía? 

¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía de economía o antieconomía
¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía de economía o antieconomía

1. Adrián Catrileo S. Oferta exportable de carne bovina en base a praderas y sistemas mixtos . Agronomia y Forestal UC. (no. 28) p. 10-13. (Abr 2006)

2. Adrián Gustavo Zarrilli. Ecología, capitalismo y desarrollo agrario en la región pampeana (1890 - 1950). Un enfoque histórico - ecológico de la cuestión agraria. Edición electrónica gratuita. Texto completo en www.eumed.net/tesis/2010/agz/ 

3. Carus, Felicity. "UN urges global move to meat and dairy - free diet" . The Guardian. Retrieved 2011-10-26.

4. Danielle Nierenberg. Meat Production and Consumption Grow . Vital Signs 2003. World Watch Institute.

5. Departamento Forestal de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO). Evaluación de los recursos forestales mundiales . 2005. Available from: http://www.fao.org/forestry/fra/fra2005/es/ 

6. Economic and Social Development Deparment of the FAO. Food Outlook Global Market Analysis 2009 . 2009. FAO Corporate Document Repository Available from ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/012/ak341e/ak341e00.pdf

7. Economic and Social Development Deparment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Food Outlook Global Market Analysis 2012 . 2012. FAO Corporate Document Repository Available from  http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/newsroom/docs/Final%20web%20vers ion%202%20May%20%282%29.pdf 

8. Enviromental Protection Agency. Major Crops Grown in the United States . 2000. Available from http://www.epa.gov/oecaagct/ag101/cropmajor.html 

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15. Programa de Inserción Agrícola (PIA) encargado a la Asociación de Maíz y Sorgo Argentino (Maizar) www.maizar.org.ar/documentos/300_tallerdesorgoenmaizar.doc

16. Rocha, A. 2008. Brasil, el dominio del comercio global d e carne de vacuno, pollo, azúcar y soja . Revista "Brazzil", 2 de noviembre de 2008. http://www.brazzilmag.com/content/view/10119/1/ 

17. Rosegrant, M.W., Leach, N. y Gerpacio, R.V. 1999. M eat or wheat for the next millennium? Alternative futures for world cereal and meat consumption . Proceedings  of the Nutrition Society, 58: 219‐234. - High Level Expert Forum of the Food and Agriculure Organization of United Nations. How to feed the world 2050. FAO 2009. Available from http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/wsfs/docs/Issues_papers/HLEF2050_Glo bal_Agriculture.pdf 

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24. Vaclav Smil. Nitrogen and Food Production: Proteins for Human Diets . Ambio Vol. 31 No. 2, March 2002 . Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

25. World Meters. Current World Population . 2009. Available from: http://www.worldometers.info/population/



Medio Ambiente 

¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía  de medio ambiente
¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía  de medio ambiente

26. Ann. Zootech. Nutrition des Ruminants, Santé Humaine et Environnement . Volume 49, Number 3, pages 231-253. May-June 2000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/animres:2000119

27. Bono, J.; M.G. Parmuchi; M. Strada; C. Montenegro; E. Manghi e I. Gasparri. 2004. "Mapa forestal provincia de Córdoba. Actualización año 2002 ". Publicación de la Dirección de Bosques, Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, Buenos Aires, 24 p.

28. Chapagain, A.K. and Hoekstra, A.Y. The global c omponent of freshwater demand and supply: an assessment of virtual water flows between nations as a result of trade in agricultural and industrial products. Water International Vol. 33, No. 1, March 2008, 19–32

29. Christel Cederberg et al. Including Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in the Carbon Footprint of Brazilian Beef . Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45 (5), pp 1773–1779.

30. David Kaimowitz, Benoit Mertens, Sven Wunder and Pablo Pacheco. Hamburger Connection Fuels Amazon Destruction . Center for International Forestry Research 2004. Available from http://www.cifor.org/publications/pdf_files/media/Amazon.pdf 

31. Doug Boucher, Pipa Elias, Lael Goodman, Calen May-Tobin, Kranti Mulik, Sarah Roquemore. Grade A Choice? Solutions for deforestation – Free meat. Union of Concerned Scientists. June 2012. Available from http://www.ucsusa.org/assets/documents/global_warming/Solutions - for Deforestation - Free - Meat.pdf

32. E. Viglizzo. La soja y los bosques nativos. Revista RIA - INTA - ISSN en Línea 1669-2314 - ISSN Edición Impresa 0325-8718 Sept 2011. http://ria.inta.gov.ar/?p=414 

33. Eshel, Gidon, Pamela A. Martin. Diet, Energy, and Global Warming . Earth Interact. 2006, 10, 1–17. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/EI167.1 

34. Falkenmark, M. and Molden, D. (2008) Wake up to realities of river basin closur e. International Journal of Water Resources Development 24, 201-215.

35. Ganadería, Ambiente y Desarrollo (LEAD) de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. Papel de la ganadería en la deforestación . FAO. Disponible en http://www.fao.org/agriculture/lead/themes0/deforestation/es/ 

36.  Gibbs, H.K., A.S. Ruesch, F. Achard, M.K. Clayton, P. Holmgren, N. Ramankutty, and J.A. Foley. Tropical forests were the primary sources of new agricultural land in the 1980s and 1990s . PNAS September 21, 2010 vol. 107no. 38 16732-16737 37

37. Goodland, R.; Anhang, J. Livestock and climate change: what if the key actor s in climate change are... cows, pigs, and chickens?. World Wathc Magazine. 2009. Available in http://www.worldwatch.org/files/pdf/Livestock%20and%20Climate%20Chang e.pdf 

38. Gowri Koneswaran and Danielle Nierenberg. Global Farm Animal Production and Global Warming: Impacting and Mitigating Climate Change . Environ Health Perspect. 2008 May; 116(5): 578–582. 10.1289/ehp.11034

39. Greenpeace Brazil. Amazon Cattle footprint, Mato Grosso: State of Destruction. 2009. Available from en http://www.greenpeace.org/espana/es/reports/impacto-de-la-ganader-a-en-la/ 

40. Greenpeace Internacioal. Devorando la Amazonia. 2006. Disponible en http://www.greenpeace.org/espana/es/reports/devorando-la-amazonia/ 

41. Henning Steinfeld et al. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO). La larga sombra del ganado: problemas ambientale s y opciones. 2006.  Repositorio de documentos de la FAO.  http://www.fao.org/docrep/011/a0701s/a0701s00.htm 

42. Humane Society International. The Impact of Animal Agriculture on Global Warming and Climate Change . The Humane Society US. 2011. Available from http://www.humanesociety.org/assets/pdfs/farm/hsus-the-impact-of-animalagriculture-on-global-warming-and-climate-change.pdf 

43. IPCC. Paris: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; 2007c. [[accessed 24 March 2008]]. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis . Available: http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/ar4-wg1.htm 

44. Juan López Uralde. No te comas la selva. Diario El Mundo. 2009. Disponible en http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/02/08/verde/1234109445.html 

45. Karl-Heinz Erb, Andreas Mayer, Thomas Kastner, Kristine-Elena Sallet, Helmut Haberl. The Impact of Industrial Grain Fed Livestock Production on Food Security: an extended literature review . 2012. Commissioned by Compassion in World Farming, The Tubney Charitable Trust and World Society for the Protection of Animals, UK. Vienna, Austria.

46. Land and Water Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Natios. Crops and Drops: Making the Best Use of Water for Agriculture . 2002. Available from ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/005/y3918e/y3918e00.pdf 

47. Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente de la Nación – Argentina . Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA). Informe GEO Argentina 2004: Perspectivas del medio ambiente de la Argentina. 2004. Disponible en http://www.ambiente.gov.ar/archivos/web/GEO/File/Geo_Argentina_2004.pdf 

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49. NASA Earth Observatory . Aquati c Dead Zones. . Revised 17 July 2010. Retrieved 17 January 2010. Available from http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=44677 - Robert J. Diaz, Rutger Rosenberg. Spreading Dead Zones and Consequences for Marine Ecosystems. Science 15 August 2008: Vol. 321 no. 5891 pp. 926-929 DOI: 10.1126/science.1156401

50. Nathan Fiala. How Meat Contributes to Global Warming. . Scieentific American Magazine. 2009.  Available in http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-greenhouse-hamburger

51. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA: Gulf of Mexico ‘dead zone’ predictions feature u ncertainty" June 21, 2012. Retrieved June 23, 2012. Available from http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2012/20120621_deadzone.html 

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53. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). P ollution from Giant Livestock Farms Threatens Public Health . 2005. http://www.nrdc.org/water/pollution/nspills.asp 

54. Nellemann, C., MacDevette, M., Manders, T., Eickhout, B., Svihus, B., Prins, A. G., Kaltenborn, B. P.  T he environmental food crisis – The environment’s role in averting future food crises. A UNEP rapid response assessment . United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal. Available from http://www.unep.org/pdf/foodcrisis_lores.pdf 

55. Pedro E. Boletta, Andrés C. Ravelo, Ana M. Planchuelo, Mariano Grilli. Assessing deforestation in the Argentine Chaco . Forest Ecology and Management Volume 228, Issues 1–3, 15 June 2006, Pages 108–114 - SAGPyA (Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentos). Estimaciones agrícolas. Accesible en http://www.sagypa.mecon.gov.ar/new/00/agricultura/otros/estimaciones/cultivos 

56. Scott James. German Government Advisory: Eat Meat Only on Special Ocass ions . Planet Save 2009. http://planetsave.com/2009/01/24/germangovernment-advisory-eat-meat-only-on-special-ocassions/ 

57. Sharon Friel et al. Publ ic health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse - gas emissions: food and agriculture. The Lancet, Volume 374, Issue 9706, Pages 2016 - 2025, 12 December 2009. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61753-0

58. Skeptical Science. A Comprehensive Review of the Causes of Global Warming . 2012. Available in  http://www.skepticalscience.com/news.php?n=1213 

59. Subdirección de Información Ganadera y De Análisis y Política del Sector Dirección de Producción y Sanidad Animal (AGAL) de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación. Políticas pecuarias. FAO. Disponible en ftp: //ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/010/a0262s/a0262s00.pdf 

60. Texas A&M University (2011, July 19). 2011 Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone' could be biggest ever. ScienceDaily. Diaz, R. J.; Rosenberg, R. (2008-08-15). " Spreading Dead Zones and Consequences for Marine Ecosyste ms" . Science 321 (5891): 926–9. doi:10.1126/science.1156401. PMID18703733.

61. The United Nations World Water Development Report. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). W ater for people - Water for life . 2003. Available from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001295/129556e.pdf 

62. Torkil Jønch Clausen , Mark Giordano, Tushaar Shah, Josephine Gustafsson. Feeding a thirsty world: Challenges and opportunities for a water and food secure world . Stocolm International Water Institue, SIWI. 2012.

 63. Vitousek, P.M.; Mooney, H.A.; Lubchenco, J.; Melillo, J.M. 1997. "Human Domination of Earth's Ecosystems". Science 277:494–499.

64. World Watch Institue. Is Meat Sustaina ble? . World Watch Magazine, July/August 2004, Volume 17, No. 4. Available from http://www.worldwatch.org/system/files/EP174A.pdf 

65. Wulf Klohn, Jean-Marc Faurès, Domitille Vallée. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Agriculture, food and water . FAO 2003. Available from ftp://ftp.fao.org/agl/aglw/docs/agricfoodwater.pdf   




¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía salud
¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía salud

 66. Mukuddem-Petersen, W. Oosthuizen and J.C. Jerling. A systematic review of the effects of nuts on blood lipid profiles in humans . J Nutr 135 (2005), pp. 2082–2089.

67. P. Pierce, L. Natarajan, B.J. Caan, B.A. Parker, E.R. Greenberg, S.W. Flatt, C.L. Rock, S. Kealey, W.K. Al-Delaimy, W.A.Bardwell, R.W. Carlson, J.A. Emond, S. Faerber, E.B. Gold, R.A. Hajek, K. Hollenbach, L.A. Jones, N. Karanja, L. Madlensky, J.Marshall, V.A. Newman, C. Ritenbaugh, C.A. Thomson, L. Wasserman and M.L. Stefanick. Influence of a diet very high invegetables, fruit, and fiber and low in fat on prognosis following treatment for breast cancer: The Women's Healthy Eating andliving (WHEL) randomized trial . JAMA 298 (2007), pp. 289–298.

68. A. Dewell, G. Weidner, M.D. Sumner, C.S. Chi and D. Ornish. A very - low - fat vegan diet incr eases intake of protective dietary factors and decreases intake of pathogenic dietary factors . J Am Diet Assoc 108 (2008), pp. 347–356.

69. A. Koushik, D.J. Hunter, D. Spiegelman, W.L. Beeson, P.A. van den Brandt, J.E. Buring, E.E. Calle, E. Cho, G.E. Fraser, J.L. Freudenheim, C.S. Fuchs, E.L. Giovannucci, R.A. Goldbohm, L. Harnack, D.R. Jacobs Jr, I. Kato, V. Krogh, S.C. Larsson, M.F. Leitzmann, J.R. Marshall, M.L. McCullough, A.B. Miller, P. Pietinen, T.E. Rohan, A. Schatzkin, S. Sieri, M.J. Virtanen, A. Wolk,

70. A. Vang, P.N. Singh, J.W. Lee and E.H. Haddad. Meats, processed meats, obesity, weight gain and occurrence of diabetesamong adults: findings from the Adventist Health Studies . Ann Nutr Metab 52 (2008), pp. 96–104

71. A. Waldmann, A. Strohle, J.W. Koschizke, C. Leitzmann and A. Hahn. Overall glycemic index and glycemic load of vegan diets in relation to plasma lipoproteins and triacylglycerols . Ann Nutr Metab 51 (2007), pp. 335–344.

72. A.H. Wu, M.C. Yu, C.C. Tseng and M.C. Pike. Epidemiology of soy exposures and breast cancer risk . Br J Cancer 98 (2008), pp. 9–14

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75. Brita C. Moilanen. V egan Die ts in Infants, Children, and Adolescents. Pediatrics in Review. 2004; 25:174-176.

76. C.L. Melby, M.L. Toohey and J. Cebrick. Blood pressure and blood lipids among vegetarian, semivegetarian, and nonvegetarian African Americans . Am J Clin Nutr 59 (1994), pp. 103–109.

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82. E.A. Spencer, P.N. Appleby, G.K. Davey and T.J. Key. Diet and body - mass index in 38000 EPIC - Oxford meat - eaters, fish - eaters, vegetarians, and vegans . Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 27 (2003), pp. 728–734.

83. F.M. Sacks, L.J. Appel, T.J. Moore, E. Obarzanek, W.M. Vollmer, L.P. Svetkey, G.A. Bray, T.M. Vogt, J.A. Cutler, M.M. Windhauser, P.H. Lin and Nl Karanja. A dietary approach to prevent hypertension: A review of the Di etary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study . Clin Cardiol 22 (suppl) (1999), pp. III6–III10.

84. G. Rimbach et al. Dietary isoflavones in the prevention of cardiovascular disease: A molecular perspective . Food Chem Toxicol 46 (2008), pp. 1308–1319.

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88. J.F. Chiu, S.J. Lan, C.Y. Yang, P.W. Wang, W.J. Yao, L.H. Su and C.C. Hsieh. Long term vegetarian diet and bone mineral density in postmenopausal Taiwanese women. Calcif Tissue Int 60 (1997), pp. 245–249.

89. J.M. Chan, M.J. Stampfer, J. Ma, P.H. Gann, J.M. Garziano and E.L. Giovannucci. Dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk in the Physician's Health Study . Am J Clin Nutr 74 (2001), pp. 549–554.

90. Jorge Elgart, Guillermina Pfirter, Lorena Gonzalez. Obesidad en Argent ina: Epidemiología, morbimortalidad e impacto económico . Rev Argent Salud Pública, Vol. 1 - Nº 5, Diciembre 2010. - Santamaría Suárez Sergio, Escobar Torres Jorge Gonzalo, Rodríguez Contreras

91. K. Rave, K. Roggen, S. Dellweg, T. Heise and H. Tom Dieck. Impr ovement of insulin resistance after diet with a whole - grain based dietary product: Results of a randomized, controlled cross - over study in obese subjects with elevated fasting blood glucose .Br J Nutr 98 (2007), pp. 929–936

92. L.A. Bazzano, T.Y. Li, K.J. Joshipura and F.B. Hu. Intake of fruit, vegetables, and fruit juices and risk of diabetes in women. Diabetes Care 31 (2008), pp. 1311–1317.

93. L.J. Appel, T.J. Moore, E. Obarzanek, W.M. Vollmer, L.P. Svetkey, F.M. Sacks, G.A. Bray, T.M. Vogt, J.A. Cutler, M.M. A c linical trial of the effects of dietary patterns on blood pressure . N Eng J Med 336(1997), pp. 1117–1124.

94. M. Rosell, P. Appleby, E. Spencer and T. Key. Weight gain over 5 years in 21,966 meat - eating, fish - eating, vegetarian, and vegan men and women in EPIC - Oxford . Int J Obesity 30 (2006), pp. 1389–1396.

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97. M.L. Toohey, M.A. Harris, W. DeWitt, G. Foster, W.D. Schmidt and C.L. Melby. Cardiovascular disea se risk factors are lower in African - American vegans compared to lacto - ovo - vegetarians . J Am Coll Nutr 17 (1998), pp. 425–434.

98. M.T. Hannan, K.L. Tucker, B. Dawson-Hughes, L.A. Cupples, D.T. Felson and D.P. Kiel. Effect of dietary protein on bone loss in el derly men and women: The Framingham Osteoporosis Study . J Bone Miner Res 15 (2000), pp. 2504–2512.

99. N. Braithwaite, H.S. Fraser, N. Modeste, H. Broome and R. King. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and vegetarian status among. Seventh - day Adventists in Barba dos: Preliminary results. Eth Dis 13 (2003), pp. 34–39.

100. N. Khan, F. Afaq and H. Mukhtar. Cancer chemoprevention through dietary antioxidants: Progress and promise . AntioxidRedox Signal 10 (2008), pp. 475–510.

101. N.D. Barnard, J. Cohen, D.J.A. Jenkins, G. Turner-McGrievy, L. Gloede, B. Jaster, K. Seidl, A.A. Green and S. Talpers, A low - fat vegan diet improves glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized clinical trial in individuals with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 29 (2006), pp. 1777–1783.

102. N.E. Allen, T. Key, P.N. Appleby, R.C. Travis, A.W. Roddam, A. Tjønneland, N.F. Johnsen, K. Overvad, J. Linseisen, S. Rohrmann, H. Boeing, T. Pischon, H.B. Bueno-de-Mesquita, L. Kiemeney, G. Tagliabue, D. Palli, P. Vineis, R. Tumino, A.Trichopoulou, C. Kassapa, D. Trichopoulos, E. Ardanaz, N. Larrañaga, M.J. Tormo, C.A. González, J.R. Quirós, M.J. Sánchez, S.Bingham, K.T. Khaw, J. Manjer, G. Berglund, P. Stattin, G. Hallmans, N. Slimani, P. Ferrari, S. Rinaldi and E. Riboli. Animal foods, protein, calciu m and prostate cancer risk: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Br J Cancer 98(2008), pp. 1574–1581

103. N.M. McKeown. Whole grain intake and insulin sensitivity: Evidence from observational studies. Nutr Rev 62 (2004), pp. 286– - Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Estadísticas Sanitarias Mundiales 2012 . Clasificación NLM: WA 900.1. Biblioteca de la OMS, disponible en http://www.who.int/gho/publications/world_health_statistics/ES_WHS2012_Ful l.pdf - Mercedes de Onis, Monika Blössner. Base de Datos Global sobre Crecimiento infantil y Malnutrición de la Organización Mundial de la Salud: Metodología y aplicaciones . Int. J. Epidemiol. (2003) 32 (4):518-526.doi: 10.1093/ije/dyg099

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 Aplicación integral del vegetarianismo 

¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía de aplicación integral del vegetarianismo
¿Por qué ser vegetariano? Bibliografía de aplicación integral del vegetarianismo

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